Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Essay #1 Prompt: Roy Boney, Jr.'s "The Indomitable Language"


Write a 1 page expository essay that identifies and responds to the “argument” advanced in Roy Boney Jr.’s “The Indominable Language: How the Cherokee Syllabary Went From Parchment to Ipad” located on Indian Country Today’s website (link below).

What kind of rhetorical and stylistic devices are at work in this document? What roles do “translation” and/or “technology” play? Does it reference other historical or literary documents, or remind you of anything else you may have read? You may choose to answer any or all of these questions in your essay. You may also develop your own question to answer. Finally, Your essay should be 1 page in length, and have a clearly stated thesis supported by examples from the text. 

All essays for this class should be in Times New Roman in 11 or 12 point font. For all other questions regarding stylistics and formatting, reference to MLA style guide. A link to an online version of this guide is available on the course blog.

Visit Roy Boney Jr.’s art work here on-line.

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